Happy Birthday Mab! She’s Three!

girls day out

Mab’s birthday is April 12, so Muñequita loaned her a dress and took her shopping!


Mab is a little skittish, so she rode in the pet backpack, and we all went to Pet Supermarket for a turn around the store to look at everything cat and pick out some treats.

price is no object

Mab’s Pet Supermarket birthday haul


We don’t really have room in the apartment for another cat tree, so we thought we’d try a window perch. Unfortunately, you already need to have a substantial windowsill to attach it and it wasn’t compatible with our narrow windowsills. Seems a bit backward: if you have a wide sill, there really isn’t a need for a perch like there is for a skinny one.

More successfully, we picked out an individual Fancy Feast dinner for each of the cats as Mab’s “cake,” along with a package of dehydrated shrimp for the icing and some dental treats.

mab cake

The birthday girl got her favorite, the seafood dinner.


bathory cake

Bathory got her preferred flavor, chicken.


Tiberius lasers

Tiberius is a bottomless pit who just likes food, so we got him the kitten dinner and he’s too busy eating to hold still for the camera– omg noooo deactivate the lasers it’s just a picture!

Winter 2016 Fashion Montage

January 2016 a1

January Girl. Here Muñequita is a big girl of one year, and she still fits this coat which you saw her wearing in her February 2015 calendar when she was eight months old.

Muñequita lives in Tallahassee, Florida.  2015-16 has been her first year here so she wants to share her view of a North Florida winter from a sartorial perspective. Therefore, we present a fashion montage of Muñequita’s seasonal outfits worn about town (both riding in her Snoozer Car Seat and on walks) from January through March, 2016.

January saw Muñequita expanding her collection of warm coats and hoodies.

January 2016 a2

Muñequita got this coat new for the 2016 season, even though she wasn’t sure a Tallahassee winter would be cold enough to need it… but tiny puppies get chilly very easily and turns out it was a good thing because there are brisk January days even in North Florida. She found plenty of use for her new red coat.


January 2016 a3

January Bunny. Muñequita purchased this new hoodie along with the red coat.


January 2016 a4

Whoops, paparazzi busted the Queen of Air and Darkness riding around in a blue bunny hoodie… heads are going to roll for letting this one out!


As February rolled in, you can see Muñequita testing the warmer weather with more springlike outfits like a swimmer tapping her toes into the water, then hopping backward into bundled warmth at an unexpected chill.

February 2016 a1

Bunny Patrol – out with the boys in her pink bunny hoodie-skirt.  When Kit bundles her up for her morning bathroom run, he often chooses this one so she ends up wearing it for the day.


February 2016 a2

Still February. Different day, different harness, same skirted bunny hoodie picked out by Kit. The boys are bundled up as well in their fleece harness-jackets.


February 2016 a3

Valentines Day saw Muñequita’s road trip to Cassadaga, Florida. During the day, the sun was pleasantly warm though the air held a slight chill. The nights got quite cold. Although Muñequita’s breath puffed into dragon clouds on the rare evening, she never did see frost.


February 2016 a4

Getting ready for an outdoor evening photo shoot for PETS Creations. Both she and the boys wanted a jacket. The fountain is full of water but didn’t seem to be running for the winter months. Could the city actually be worried about pipes freezing or was there some other reason?


February 2016 a4-b

Muñequita wore her jeans jacket home over her outfit after the shoot too.  This picture was actually taken for the blossoms you can see in the background, clustering on the branches and strewn upon the lush green February grass. According to statesymbolsusa.org “Florida was named Pascua Florida by explorer Ponce de Leon on Easter in 1513. Translation: means ‘Flowery Easter’ or ‘Flowering Easter’ (after Spain’s ‘Feast of the Flowers’ Easter celebration).” One can see why. There is always something blooming, even in December.


February 2016 a5

Told you the skirted bunny hoodie was Kit’s favorite! Yet another harness, yet another day.


February 2016 a6

It’s finally starting to warm up a little.


February 2016 a7

February and wearing her Rock N’ Pooches jeans jumper with the angel wing harness serving as a light mesh jacket.


February 2016 a8

Sunny, warm February day and Muñequita is out and about in that aforementioned PETS Creations outfit.


February 2016 a9

Wrapping up February with a sleeveless little red frock by Max’s Closet. Preferring to order online, she seldom buys clothes off the rack but this one was on sale after Valentine’s Day for about $3 at Pet Supermarket.


March came ’round like a lamb, being Florida and all. You can see at the start of the month, she had a jacket but wore a summery sundress underneath and it just got warmer.

march 2016 a2

Muñequita has the same fleece harness jacket as the boys. It’s a Size 1 hand-me-down from Quixote’s puppy wardrobe, but at least he only went through two of the black-and-white harnesses… he wears a Size 3 and with his similarly-styled sailor harness he counted all the way up.


march 2016 a3

This is from the day of Muñequita’s Opposites photo shoot whilst waiting for Bella to arrive at the Dorothy B. Oven Park. This was actually a hot March day in Tallahassee reminiscent of early July in Ontario, Canada. Note that this fountain is merrily streaming.


march 2016 a4

This is Muñequita’s Saint Patrick’s Day dress, a summery Mr Michael confection all ruffles topped with a butterfly.


march 2016 a5

March ended rainy, in like a lamb and out like a lion as they say.  Muñequita met the grey day with a vibrant splash of red.


Now it’s April and what is she wearing? You can always see her latest outfits in her blog! If you liked her seasonal montage, let her know in comments and Muñequita will post a Spring collage at the end of June, though she can tell you right now it’ll be a parade of summer dresses not much different weather-wise than she’ll wear through July and into September.



Pinwheels For Prevention

fields of blue and silver

Spinning in the wind, pinwheels everywhere.

Muñequita and the boys passed by fields of blue and silver pinwheels on their walk and wondered whatever they could be for. Turns out that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month here in America and the pinwheels are a symbol to raise awareness.


ounce sign

Click to visit www.ounce.org

Well, few things go better with children than puppies, so Muñequita thought she’d help spread the word… and now, dear reader, you know what the pinwheels mean. Consider putting one up yourself to pass it on.

In the meantime, please enjoy some photos of Muñequita and her boys having a Scottish day and exploring the pinwheel jungle.

pinwheels 0001a

Red white and blue: Cesar rocks his kilt amid the pinwheels, actually wearing the hat like a superstar.


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Cesar and Quixote have stopped jumping whenever a pinwheel spins.


puppy pinwheel formation

Puppy pinwheel formation



Shadow Foolery

Perfect little dog shadow.

Perfect little dog shadow.

Muñequita went walking a little bit later in the day than usual – and this was back in March – and couldn’t help but noticing how the shadows were falling across the sidewalk. It was the interesting sort of spring day where it seems it has two sides – the bright warm sunlight when you feel your coat is a bit too much, and then you pass into the shadows and shiver, clutching that coat closer.

Below, you see Muñequita standing in the divide between worlds, emerging from darkness, half in the light.

emerging from the shadows

“I’ll return from darkness and will save your precious skin.” – Les Friction, World on Fire

In celebration of that duality and of the glorious qualities of light, Muñequita wants to share images of some  striking shadows.

Xote tiger stripes

The palm fronds provide shadow-stripes for the tiger on Quixote’s vest.


Cesar tiger stripes

Cesar too, although he was less cooperative about being asked to sit in a specific spot.


gate with shadows

The wrought iron gate is beautiful in itself, but with a mirror image painted in darkness it is engrossing.


shadow gate

Do you suppose the shadow gate opens into some tenebrous underworld?  The wrought iron gate opens into the LeMoyne Art Center. Where would the shadow gate go?


too many lines

Puppies fearlessly attempt to find out, with a battle cry of “Narnia!”


shadow spotlight

Silly puppies! It’s just a shadow… but it does make an intriguing shadow-spotlight for tiny chihuahua models.


Calendar Girl – April 2016

Microsoft Word - 2016 calendar.docx

Click image to download free high resolution 8.5 x 11 .pdf file for printing.


Muñequita is proud to present her free April calendar, featuring her special guest, Bella! You all remember Muñequita’s beautiful friend Bella the Great Dane from their Opposites photo shoot. As promised, Muñequita saved back the very best picture for her calendar, and here it is!

Click here or on the image to download a free high resolution 8.5 x 11 .pdf file of her calendar page for printing:  2016 April Munequita and Bella.pdf